I’m not great at talking to camera so, here goes nothing!
Do you ever sometimes wish that you didn’t have social media and cell service?
Is it snowing yet?
How did you exterminate the skunk?
How long does your winter last?
Single? Are you doing this all by yourself?
Are you celebrating Halloween off grid?
How long can you imagine living off grid, or haven’t you planned that far ahead?
What would your ideal location in Alberta be for an off grid homestead?
What’s some advice you’d give someone wanting to go off grid?
How often do you bath and how many gallons of water do you use?
Generators, diesel or duel fuel? Down to -5 what do you prefer?
Ever tried a chicken Parmi?
What was your job working in the oilsands?
Do girls poop?
Why did you decide to live off grid, what do you miss most?
Would you have chosen a different property to live on now?
Fastest you’ve driven a car?
Do you ski or snowboard?
Wondering if you’ve done a large hide? Time frame to do one?
Thank you for watching,
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