I live surrounded by wild untamed land.
My neighbours are not people. My catalytic converter hasn’t been stolen from my truck. I haven’t watched anyone being tackled by the cops while I sit at my kitchen table. No one’s even riding motorcycles through my small yard. All things that have happened living in the city. I’m in the wilderness. Mountain Lions, Ticks and Bears are my neighbours and of them - I’m only concerned by one.
Mountain Lions keep to themselves. They’re here. I see their tracks from time to time, however I have yet to see one. I’ve had no encounters with a Mountain Lion or a Lynx. They’re fantastically quiet neighbours. I know what they’re capable of and make sure to protect myself and my animals. Just in case. For now I like to think that we have a healthy respect for each other and my kitty neighbours and I will never conflict.
Bears have been the same. They even hibernate during the winter. Like having neighbours that go to Arizona for 6 months. Luckily when my Bear neighbours try to break into my property I have permits to legally shoot them. There has been one instance in two years where a black bear tried to get into my chicken coop. He got off with a warning and next time he won’t be so lucky. Other than that when I see them they turn tail and run. It makes me think, am I the obnoxious neighbour?
There were forest fires around Fort McMurray before the big one in 2016. The wildlife was often pushed to town and you’d see bears multiple times a day. They’d try to walk into stores out of desperation. I’d see bears on my way to and from work, walking on trails, everywhere. Keeping a distance is usually all that you need with Black Bears. That said, they can decide that they want to attack you and should be treated with caution.
One time I actually smelled the bear before I saw it. It was a ‘city bear’ and it smelled like garbage. I saw it’s ears over a bush, it hadn’t seen me. Before I even had a chance to think I ran to the closest building. I know you’re not supposed to run from bears but- I don’t regret it. When I looked back it was where I’d been standing.
Ticks are new to me. Somehow I had never had an interaction with a tick before coming here. I didn’t know about them, I didn’t worry about them. I was blissfully unaware. Until now. In separate occasions last spring I found 5 ticks on me. Once while I was sitting in bed. It took a few drinks of whiskey to fall asleep after that.
Ticks are sneaky. They latch onto you as you walk by, crawl up your clothes and find a place to bite. They even try to numb the area that they bite, so you don’t feel them doing it. Much unlike a cougar or a bear. More like a person stealing your catalytic converter in the night.
The problem with ticks is not that they bite you, embed their head into you and suck your blood, but - the fact that they can carry Lyme Disease. If not caught early a disease without a cure that can cause suffering for the rest of your life.
So, when asked if I’m afraid of Lions and Bears I’d have to say no. I’m not. I’ve had less conflict with them in two years than I had with people in the city in a month. When I see them it’s likely they’re as surprised as me and don’t want any conflict. Also, unlike in the city I can shoot a bear or a mountain lion (only if I absolutely had to)
It’s the ticks that I worry about.
The last one I had on me came off with a drop of dish soap. Creepy crawlers, ugh.
Tiktok if ticks could talk!! Im sure they would have so much to say about how they are sneaky!! Agree with ya, the lions and bears even have a beauty about them, we can protect ourself and respect them in the wild, the ticks! harder to see the respect amd meaning in them for sure 😣