I recently found an account posing as myself on FB.
Using my name, pictures and posts to engage with people. Pretending to be me. The whole catfish. I like catfish usually. They’re tasty breaded.
After some thought and no support from the platform, my conclusion is this.
From my vantage, the theft of my material doesn’t matter that much. What does matter and what I feel responsible for is handing some weirdo my face. They’re interacting with other people while pretending to be me. My experiences being put out there as theirs. After reporting it multiple times and ways, and getting other people to report it, FB doesn’t support their own ‘community guidelines’. The ones there to ‘protect’ us from things like this. Not just to protect me, but the people that the fake me is engaging with.
I feel guilty
In a sense it’s my own fault. I put out those posts thinking that this couldn’t happen. Thinking that the world is safe and nice and if someone decided to do something like this it would be deemed ‘not okay’ and taken down. I feel guilty for the people that think that they’re talking to me. Discussing the things that I do with a fraud. I hope that they don’t get ripped off.
So. Here’s the plan.
I’m going to begin to post my past and future instagram gallery here. Individual pictures with more elaborate and in depth descriptions. The full details of what I’m doing, where it was, why, how I cooked those trout, all of it. Doesn’t that sound kind of awesome? I’ll keep using the other platforms, I just can’t get away from them entirely yet. But this is where all of the juicy details will be.
Talk about making a weird negative into a positive eh?
I’m thinking that I’ll start at the very beginning of my feed. Oldest to newest.
Let me know what you think of this idea?!
So gotta no am I talking to you on Facebook messenger or is it the fraud person?
Love the News letter Amy! I've been following all your adventures for quite some time!! I really enjoy all your escapades!! Please keep em coming!!