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I want to apologize if this article comes off as a bit lacklustre. Last week I discovered a favourite historical site defaced and haven’t quite shaken the awful feelings around it. There will be another article all about what happened after some resolution.
The days have been beautiful, busy, and warm. With so much to get done before the snow, it’s hard to get our priorities straight. There are lots of things we’d like to get done but only so much time, and also we need to be sure to have fun. That said, it’s been an absolute blast!
Family Visits
September is the most ideal time for family to visit. The heat of summer finally subsides, the bugs have moved along, but the snow has yet to come. We showed Rose and Cam the property in more depth, picked and identified some wild mushrooms, and had an awesome dinner on the mountain. With my brother and Katelyn, we explored a nearby abandoned mine site and played a hilarious board game.
The Future Plow Truck
With my friend’s Toyota finished it’s time to shift focus to the future plow truck. The old Suburban needs a few things before it will be ready to plow snow. The first being a suspension lift - the old suspension is so sagged out that it nearly touches the ground. Added clearance will make it much more capable and also look very cool. It also needs a fan shroud to prevent it from overheating, and of course a plow!
We like to wait for the right materials to find us. Given time the right things usually materialize. Maybe it’s the law of attraction, maybe it’s just patience. The plow for example, is something that hasn’t happened yet. There’s a chance that it won’t be finished for this season and that’s okay too. A good friend of ours kindly gave us an incredible gift, a snowblower! Curt couldn’t be more excited.
Saving for Winter
Pressure canning, drying and tinctures - oh my! I’ve been working hard to make sure that I take the time to pick and preserve all things edible and medicinal. This beautiful tea is the result of a lot time. I’m looking forward to enjoying the flavours of summer when I’m buried in the snow.
Grand Champion Rabbit
I entered 5 of my bunnies in the local fair. They all won first place, and ‘Blue’ the French Angora took home grand champion. He’s a bit high maintenance and has to be brushed regularly to prevent his long fur from matting- but hey, he’s a champion!
To be fair, there weren’t any other entries but hopefully there will be more competition next year.
Another Trip Around The Sun
Happy birthday to me! In a three Toyota train we headed up a mountain with friends to check out a fire watch tower. It was a day full of laughs and adventure, and we even fit in some mushroom foraging. It definitely goes down as one of my favourite birthdays to date. Who says getting older isn’t fun?
It Has Begun
I forgot how quiet the falling snow is. I looked out of the window one cold night and to my surprise, the world had turned white! I made a few snowballs and enjoyed the moonlight shining brightly against the snow. I truly missed it, and look forward to living in a winter wonderland once again.
Jacket to this am. I can’t believe it is Oct 12 and no frost yet!
It’s a beautiful, busy time of year, no frost yet. Still picking jalapeño peppers, tomatillos, beans, raspberries and the second crop of snow peas. Playing Russian roulette with the weather!