
We Made It!

The Road is Finally Open

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The spring thaw started only a couple of weeks ago. Once the snow finally started to melt, it went FAST. My world changed from blinding white snow to mud and sprouting grass in just a couple of days.

Before trying to drive up, Curt and I hiked the snow-covered road. In places, it was still deep enough to fill my boot with slush. We discussed the tricky parts, where we would likely get stuck and need to shovel. Still unsure if we’d make it the whole way, we decided to give it a try two days later.

We hiked to get Curt’s truck which was stored at the neighbour’s house 1500 feet in elevation below. With snow shovels in hand, we took a shortcut through the woods, skipping the area with the deepest snow. We then went to town and grabbed some supplies. Most importantly milk and sugar for my coffee and food for the animals.

We drove up on dry dirt where I snowmobiled less than a week before. Surprisingly, the snow had almost entirely melted! Only a couple of deep patches remained, which we got through with a little speed and silliness. No need for the snow shovels!

Now that the road is drivable and my snowy yard has been replaced by dirt, things are about to get busy. Summer fun and projects abound!

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