I love reading about your life! Your ability to share your story so vividly is a gift. Thank you for being so brave to carve out a life on the mountain.

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Thank you!

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At first I thought they were hand prints. Then I questioned who Jay was? I thought his name was Curt. LOL then I counted the fingers. Six on each hand. I may be slow but I figured it out. :-)

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So happy to get your email Amy. Your article for January was very interesting to read! Glad you kept warm bu I’m sure the days were long. I thought maybe you got sick that’s why no email. Take good care of each other❤️

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My goodness, it is so beautiful where you are. The snow is such a clean white carpet. Must be so quiet.

Be safe up there.

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That sounds so cool. The way things used to be in America.

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