June was a busy month! The long days and beautiful temperatures made sitting still to get some writing done difficult. I find myself exhausted at the end of the day, falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
Car Show Adventure
The month started with a trip to a nearby car show with Curt’s parents, Rose and Cam. We’ve done a few epic trips in the past, and it was nice to finally go on an adventure with them again. While there, I met some new friends who had cars in the show. On Sunday, the town was abuzz with excitement. Triathletes had just completed a race in the next town over and were celebrating their success.
Tinkering on Trucks
Seeing so many beautiful vehicles was motivation to get back to work on the old trucks and bikes. First on the docket - a new carpet for Shibby! I’d been on the fence about whether it really needed it, but seeing it in place made me realize how much better it looks. A few more things to go and Shibby will be ready for the local car show in August.
Family Visits
My Dad and Margaret came for a visit. Showing them what’s changed and what we’ve accomplished since their visit last year filled me with pride. Though aspects of my place are half-finished and less than ideal, it’s nice to have my wild vision embraced by family and friends. We spent some quality time sitting outside enjoying some beers and looking out at the view. At the end of their visit, my Tacoma broke down.
Great- another truck to fix.
Using the Wood Stove in June?
The temperature dipped below ten degrees Celsius every night for a week, prompting me to cut and split firewood. Though splitting wood in JUNE is a bit of a shock, I prefer the cooler weather over the stifling heat. Sitting outside on a frigid morning and sipping a coffee as the day warms up is pretty dreamy to me.
Wild Edibles
Wild edibles have begun! I’ve started a three-part series about the wild edibles I’m most excited about - starting with Wild Greens
I also found one very POISONOUS plant, Death Camus. Usually, I try not to intervene with what’s growing naturally but that one is SO mean, it even kills pollinators.
So, I might’ve stomped it..
Curt’s New Doors!
When we built the front room, we made a wide opening for a door. This way the water totes could be carried out of the room as they were emptied. We didn’t have the materials to make nice doors so we made a temporary one with plans to replace it as soon as time and materials permitted. Finally, using materials from the old deck and repurposed windows, Curt made awesome French-style doors. Now for some finishing work, and I’ll make a latch mechanism.
Self-Reliance and the Greenhouse
The rabbits have been mega-productive, and I’ve begun filling the freezer. Also, The greenhouse has become a pleasant surprise. The lettuce that I tried to grow last year re-seeded itself everywhere! Between it and the lamb quarters, we can’t eat enough greens to keep up with it. A greenhouse that re-seeds itself - Isn’t that more than ideal?
June is busy and hectic, but beautiful. With the cooler and wetter weather than the past two summers, I’m curious to see what July will have in store.
Fantastic. Can’t wait to come and visit.
That poisonous plant looks so pretty. Guess you can’t tell a book by it’s cover. I would have planted it in my garden.
Geez, all is coming together so well. Love those doors.
Yes, lettuce is amazing stuff. Green onions are the same way.
I’ll try and send some poppy seeds up to you. Plant them in a sunny area. Grow like a weed.
I went camping for a night and woke up to frost at only 1300m elevation. That was more awakening than the coffee ;)
Been a weird month for the weather but great for working outside! I can relate to your feeling exhausted at the end of the days.
Great work, cheers!