Thank you for sharing. As a teenager nearly 50 years ago, I dreampt of living off the grid. While that never happened, my wife and I traveled west to the Rockies and spent just shy of 50 nights backcountry on extended backpacking trips. Following your exploits has been very enjoyable. Continued good fortune to both of you.

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Thank you Dave!

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Totally enjoy your writings, your life there is live and learn, you will learn things that many will never experience or even think of. God was and is the perfect engineer, I spent much of my life out in countryside, still do, always amazed by what I see and learn.

Anyway, yes better safe than sorry, like the shotgun idea. I prefer a semiautomatic at my age, when I’m hunting in remote Wyoming, also carry pepper spray for bears, more effective for bears, which we have seen both bears and cats.

Enjoy, and be safe.


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I often have bear spray in my bag too, though I’d prefer to put yogi in the freezer if the season’s open.

Thanks Jeff!

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I’ve had bear roast numerous occasions , at friends out west, very good, may go to Washington state for the bear hunt this year. Also love Elk and Antelope, guess there in not much I pass on 😂. Any way be well and God bless.

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With a cat that size I don't blame you for carrying a shotgun, I would too. Cougars are one of the few animals we have have that don't fear people and will attack if they think they can take you.

Hope you never have a bad encounter with one.

Whenever I'm in an area where I could have an encounter I alternate my shells in my shotgun starting from coarse buckshot, then slug. That way I have a broader range, good stopping power, and if I don't have the ability to be accurate I can still inflict damage.

Nice chairs!

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Hah I do a similar thing,

Buckshot, buckshot, slug, buckshot.


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Great update on your lives. Yes, we have seen the same type of birds, plus a towhee, showing themselves on the west coast. Love that look on Mabel's face (looking up to the leader). The good news according to the government websites, is that an adult male cougar hunts a one hundred square mile territory. Apparently it was not in need while it passed your home. The government didn't comment on a cougar's memory though, so stay alert just in case it remembers those scents. I used to keep a game trail camera on a trail in the Cascade mountains near my recreation site over a period of 3 or 4 years. It photographed a cougar periodically and one time a pair of cougars close up. It seemed that the cougars would pass by once every 8 months or so. This was also evidenced by their tracks in the soil and snow.

So how do you get all that sawdust out of your house? If you are not using a leaf blower, just an idea (variable speed is important), but this is how I clean the debris out of my truck interior. Just open all the doors and let it blow, cleans the dust off the dashboard too. Haven't tried it in the house yet!! Enjoy

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Nice read.

Hopefully you’ll be able to put down that cat. Makes for an uneasy life when you have to keep packing artillery every where you go.

Maybe once he runs out of wild bunnies he’ll move back down to the valley where he was last year. Bob did say the cat was going after livestock.

If I come up to stay I may have to purchase a shotgun of my own. Is the one your using the one I gave you. If it is be careful as sometimes the shell jams. Hopefully you’ll never have to use it.

Have fun with the new kindles and the coming kids.

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