Given how much snow you get it might be worth looking around for an old track dozer. I found that my old Dodge with a plow doesn't do it if I get a dump or it's really heavy. Also, when it gets stuck it's all that much more work. A track machine is a lot better for traction. The weight helps too.
If you do, I'd recommend to stay away from the smaller ones, need the weight to push stuff out.
Or, if the tractor is powerful enough, snowblower! Those are awesome and usually cheaper than an entire machine.
Time to befriend someone who has a plow. Must be someone close by.
Given how much snow you get it might be worth looking around for an old track dozer. I found that my old Dodge with a plow doesn't do it if I get a dump or it's really heavy. Also, when it gets stuck it's all that much more work. A track machine is a lot better for traction. The weight helps too.
If you do, I'd recommend to stay away from the smaller ones, need the weight to push stuff out.
Or, if the tractor is powerful enough, snowblower! Those are awesome and usually cheaper than an entire machine.