I know exactly what you are describing about the sound. I experience the same thing at my place. Sometimes it happens on a clear, crisp day, sometimes on cloudy ones. It has to do with the humidity in the air, which can allow sound to travel further or even divert it in different directions. Wind can affect this as well, and there is something called geometric spreading which propagates sound in specific situations.

There are times I will hear a dog bark and think it's on the south side of the property. When i get there, no dogs or people. Turns out it's my neighbour's dog and he lives 3 kilometers from me!

Occasionally I will hear vehicles, just like yours, that are going far too fast to be on a dirt road. They must be coming from the only paved road near me, which is 8 kilometers away.

Love the "sea-side" view you got, very nice!

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So strange, to be so far away and still hear people!

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Tell me about it .... find it annoying. I moved into the woods to have peace and quiet not to hear a vehicle 8kms away.

If I ever move again, it will be a lot more remote and I'll make sure there isn't anything anywhere near ...or I'll be too old and start losing my hearing :D

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I often ask myself if I'm far enough out!

You know it's bad when losing your hearing seems like a decent option.. haha

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well it's cheaper than moving :D

I've asked myself that same question and know that I am not. But for now it is the best I can do while I still have work and my mom can still come to visit. If those were not factors, I would have been much more remote to begin with. Of course that means I would have likely been a lot weirder than I am now due to lack of any interaction with people :D

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A cord of spruce lasts half the Winter? Wow, I needed between 4 and 6 cord to heat my place and that's with high elevation jack pine or fir. I'm jealous, sort of. My wife and I liked it warm and we didn't mind getting our firewood in. It must have been the smell of fresh cut wood or the feeling that whatever happened during the winter you wouldn't be cold. Like having money in the bank.

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Roof looks good ,we did that type of roof on our house and shop in Langley,very happy with it,just watch out for the large sheets of snow that slide off it happens really fast you don’t want to be under it.Take care be safe.😎🍻⛄️

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You guys have done a lot of work. I am so impressed.

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Inch-by-inch 🥰. Thank you!

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