So happy to hear the disaster was averted! Love reading your stories. Rose told us all about get visit with you and Curtis! She enjoyed each and every day although she was feeling under the weather but continued to enjoy her stay to the end. Winter is in the air for sure. Some snow in northern BC all ready. Hope you get all your firewood for this winter❤️

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Happy to hear that disaster was averted. That is something that is always in the back of my head as a potential risk for my place. Would be worth, with time and effort, to set up a large pond or cistern and have a sprinkler system on the property to protect your animals and buildings.

Hope you get all the firewood you need for the upcoming winter, cheers!

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My heart would have dropped through my chest had I seen a fire on the mountain adjacent to your property. I get so angry when I hear that these fires are human caused. What the hey!

Some people have brains the size of shriveled peas.

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I skim or skip a lot of emails, but really enjoy yours and am captivated by your stories and writing. Glad that fire was stopped.

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