Right on, Amy..problem solved, You really didn't have much choice..he wudda kept returning, and got the chickens..or one of you guys. Not sure how much target practice you do, but we ALL cud use a little more..helps the confidence. I had a Ruger Mini 14 223 semi-auto..was my favourite!! Keep sharing your experiences..we all look forward to your posts.

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Thank you! I’m looking forward to more practice, with both firearms and my bow.

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Me too!! Do you shoot with compound or trad bow? I've shot traditional for decades (just target..) and bought a compound a few years ago..love the smoothness of the release, and the fact that at full draw it was much easier to hold..but (maybe being old-school) I just seemed to shoot better with the trad!!??

..and don't let those earlier idiots responses bug you..a%$#^&es everywhere..you seem to be pretty strong willed so I'm pretty sure you've put it behind you already.

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You did the right thing.

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I ALWAYS wanted to try to make Bear Borscht. I figure there’s probably no tougher sounding soup, and I suspect it’s delicious.

Don’t worry about people abandoning ship. Most people don’t understand what real wilderness is like or have had similar encounters.

I am afraid of bears.

My last experience was a bit of a doozy. I didn’t have a gun with me but sure wish I had.

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Bear borscht sounds amazing! Maybe even a bit decadent.

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Indeed. One VERY big rabbit.

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Just like the old timers used to do it.

Bravo Amy!!

The self sufficiency, as a matter of daily fact, is always impressive and appreciated!

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Thank you muchly!!

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We had the same problem with bears on the farm. It was really sketchy when darkness settled over the barnyard, as you never quite knew if there would be a fur ball out there.

Let me know if you need more ammo for target practice. Be safe, spring is around the corner.

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It’s amazing how well they disappear at night! And very creepy. Thank you!

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I’m curious about the equipment needed to clean and dress a bear, single handed.

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Once I fought it out of the thick bush, the tractor with forks on was a big help. From there a sharp knife and a steel saw were my only tools.

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Thanks for the share. 🤙 The bears are pretty hungry in the spring, and the adolescents can be pretty dumb. A persistent bear like that can wreck the chickens, rabbits and goats in a hurry. Short of an electric fence, there aren’t so many options. More than a few of the bears i’ve shot hunting have had birdshot in the fat layer on their butts - naughty bears. Good luck 🙏

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I’m sure you’ll have many more bear encounters in your life on this property. Better get a better shot or don’t bother shooting at all

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Got it right in the heart with the second rifle

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Sometimes you need to do what you need to do. I would have done the same as you. Stay safe out there.

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