John and I are "the wonder twins!" (that was a cartoon from the 70's when we were kids...).
Anyway, we DO tend to have those blue and pink jobs you refer to, but it works for us. I love to cook, bake, garden, sew, paint... a lot of inside jobs. He'd rather be outdoors or with his head in a toolbox. That's us. That said, cross-training is really important and it's on our list of to-do's. He knows everything about the solar system he built (that mysterious voo-doo electricity! I AGREE!), plumbing, etc. and I keep us fed and warm. No matter who does what, it's so nice to have a partner who is there beside you, going in the same direction.
Haha I'm going to have to look into the 'Wonder Twins'! It sounds like something I'd like.
Cross-training, yes! I have full respect for blue and pink jobs but cross-training just in case is important. I'll admit, there are a handful of things that Curt does that I'm entirely clueless about, it sounds like I'm due for some cross-training myself. It's nice to have a partner beside you going in the same direction! Also in those moments when things feel crazy (the 'omg wtf are we doing?') moments, it's nice to share that with someone.
I am so proud of the both of you! I have seen how the two of you each do your chosen jobs around the property. Looked pretty normal to me. You each do what you love to do. Great Teamo!
You two have found the sweet spot everyone looks for, but are too tainted by the world around them to step into it.
The ability to just be who you are and allow that in others, without power struggles, demanding expectations and manipulative blame - I'm assuming all this - but if it were present past fleeting moments, you'd wouldn't have been able to create this world together and exist in it - in your own ways, and on your own individual and combine terms.
This is rare and a great testament, to who you each are.
John and I are "the wonder twins!" (that was a cartoon from the 70's when we were kids...).
Anyway, we DO tend to have those blue and pink jobs you refer to, but it works for us. I love to cook, bake, garden, sew, paint... a lot of inside jobs. He'd rather be outdoors or with his head in a toolbox. That's us. That said, cross-training is really important and it's on our list of to-do's. He knows everything about the solar system he built (that mysterious voo-doo electricity! I AGREE!), plumbing, etc. and I keep us fed and warm. No matter who does what, it's so nice to have a partner who is there beside you, going in the same direction.
Haha I'm going to have to look into the 'Wonder Twins'! It sounds like something I'd like.
Cross-training, yes! I have full respect for blue and pink jobs but cross-training just in case is important. I'll admit, there are a handful of things that Curt does that I'm entirely clueless about, it sounds like I'm due for some cross-training myself. It's nice to have a partner beside you going in the same direction! Also in those moments when things feel crazy (the 'omg wtf are we doing?') moments, it's nice to share that with someone.
Well said, I really enjoy your writing!!
I am so proud of the both of you! I have seen how the two of you each do your chosen jobs around the property. Looked pretty normal to me. You each do what you love to do. Great Teamo!
Thank you Rose!! ❤️ 💗 🥰
Thanks for the link Amy.
You two have found the sweet spot everyone looks for, but are too tainted by the world around them to step into it.
The ability to just be who you are and allow that in others, without power struggles, demanding expectations and manipulative blame - I'm assuming all this - but if it were present past fleeting moments, you'd wouldn't have been able to create this world together and exist in it - in your own ways, and on your own individual and combine terms.
This is rare and a great testament, to who you each are.
Great Article!!! Nice to Hear the Love and Respect!!! That's What It's all About!!!
Great balance, congratulations on making it work!
You guys are a perfect team of….