Ahhh yes the fear of messing up know it !! Only happy mistakes 🙌

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Fantastic…I love hearing about your feelings.

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I understand. I spent many months and years out in the wilderness. After being in the first Iraq war then Afghanistan when I came back I went into the woods to decompress. That took several years but it was needed at the time.

I love hearing about your life up and out there. I like many others did wonder about you being out there alone or not. I'm glad your not. It does help having someone around psychologically. And there are time you need that separation to avoid burying the other in a deep pit.

Spring is amongst us now. Seasons are changing trees are blooming flowers as well.

Many blessings to you both. 🙏

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You are amazing!

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Amy, You wrote your experience with such honesty and detail. I really appreciate your style of writing. I can visualize and understand all of the emotions of your life adventure. Your are an amazing and very brave girl. Thank you for sharing your story.

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Thank you so much Suzy!

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As a former fire lookout in Colorado and self described wilderness recluse, I crave solitude and privacy. Glad you endorse and enjoy it! My wife, not so much, lol

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