You will come to admire and love Luci. Cats are smart. They are one of the few "domesticated" animals that have retained their hunting and survival skills. They're quite well evolved in terms of self-sustainability, just like you, new kitty mama !!!
Wishing you well in your hunt. So far starting Sept. I have killed 8 mice. The last one was caught while Rose and I were talking. I thought it was dead haha. Little thief took the trap under the dishwasher. Finally fished him out after 2 hours and an old wire cloths hanger. Suggestion from Cam bless his heart. Good hunting Luci 💜
Thanks for sharing your story about the mice and squirrels, Luci will hunt the mice and hopefully
solve the mice issue. Love your stories. You must be getting ready for winter, hope you have lots of firewood. Snow will be coming soon, you will be more comfortable this winter, you guys have done allot of work there. Enjoy all the wild life and stay safe.
You will come to admire and love Luci. Cats are smart. They are one of the few "domesticated" animals that have retained their hunting and survival skills. They're quite well evolved in terms of self-sustainability, just like you, new kitty mama !!!
I love her name. She looks adorable. Hopefully she becomes a great hunter to end your troubles.
Hope the kitty does good for you!
After I got a cat I don't have that problem any more!
Wishing you well in your hunt. So far starting Sept. I have killed 8 mice. The last one was caught while Rose and I were talking. I thought it was dead haha. Little thief took the trap under the dishwasher. Finally fished him out after 2 hours and an old wire cloths hanger. Suggestion from Cam bless his heart. Good hunting Luci 💜
Thanks for sharing your story about the mice and squirrels, Luci will hunt the mice and hopefully
solve the mice issue. Love your stories. You must be getting ready for winter, hope you have lots of firewood. Snow will be coming soon, you will be more comfortable this winter, you guys have done allot of work there. Enjoy all the wild life and stay safe.
We had a cat named lucifer growing up he was a good hunter hope she brings law and order to the homestead take care.😎🍻